Launch - 001 / Stasis

Launch - 001 / Stasis

Welcome to my first collection release. I’ve always been inspired by music artists specifically Korean pop artists that would have a “comeback” release for their album and they would have this grand way of promoting the album even though the “album” they are promoting is usually only 3-5 songs depending on how seasoned the group is.

I find it cool how every time these groups do come back that it’s always pretty well themed after a certain concept e.g. space, fairytales, bad boys/girls, romantic, bubbly, etc… And it’s also refreshing to see these groups try different concept even something that’s out of their typical “genre”. I think people down play not only how hard this is to pull off, but also how important it plays a role in an artists lifetime.

Sometimes we need to explore things we’ve never explored. If I didn’t try out a design style, then have I really figured out if I enjoy it or not, or if it fits me or not?

Launching Stasis

Stasis as defined by our lovely dictionary is noted to be a “period of inactivity” or in other words, a period of just being still. You’re not in a good spot. You’re also not in a bad spot. For me, I interpreted it more as just a time in your life where you’re just letting things flow. You’re not necessarily doing big things to change life, and you’re also not feeling down about what’s going on.

You’re simply moving in balance.

The creations I’ve released in this collection are themed after this concept of Stasis.

Hope you enjoy the works, and I’m already working on my next batch of creations for my next comeback 🙂

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb. In times of stasis, we need our peace to recharge to get ready for the next sprint / marathon in our life. Leave us be for a bit, or suffer the consequences. A snow-washed tshirt with a heavier feel to give some weight to the T-shirt and some texture. (Note that the images don’t represent the texture correctly, please refer to the product page.)

up past 25:00

Sometimes our stasis period is the infinite work loop we do day to day to keep afloat. Nothing exciting to talk about, and nothing bad about it. We just keep at it. A more premium hoodie for a heavier feel. Not recommended for hotter months unless you’re really looking to sweat.

working 24/7

Another tribute to the 24/7 work life. Not that we always work 24/7, but sometimes it feels like it. This is an OG hoodie that was previously released, but tweaked accordingly with some added features. A lighter hoodie perfect for when weather just needs a little more than a T-shirt.
You've reach the end, traveler.
You've reach the end, traveler.